HRS Working Group

The HRS Working Group develops the scientific program of the HRS

The HRS Working group is an active group of scientists that worked together to complete the HRS whitepaper and that, subsequently, deduced the scientific specifications for the HRS from which the conceptual design was derived. The working group has annual meetings during the Low-Energy Community Meetings, organizes workshops that focus on various topics related to the HRS and its scientific program, and representatives meets regular in online meetings to discuss details of the conceptual design and the implications and opportunities for the scientific program with the HRS. In addition, a smaller group meets regularly to discuss the detectors for the HRS. If you are interested in joining, please contact the HRS Working group point of contact, Remco Zegers.

The Members of the HRS Working Group are presently from the following institutions: 

US National Laboratories

Argonne National Laboratory

Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory

Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory

Los Alamos National Laboratory

Oak Ridge National Laboratory

US Universities & Colleges

Augustana College

Bucknell University

Central Michigan University

Davidson College

Florida State University

Hope College

Indiana University

Indiana Wesleyan University

Kalamazoo College

Michigan State University

Ohio University

Ohio Wesleyan University

Rutgers University

Texas A&M University

Umass :Lowell

University of North Carolina / TUNL

University of Notre Dame

University of Tennessee

Washington University in St. Louis

Ursinus College

Wabash College

Foreign Institutions



TRIUMF (Canada)

University of Surrey (UK)